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HomeEducationVUT Blackboard - Vaal University of Technology's online learning platform

VUT Blackboard – Vaal University of Technology’s online learning platform

Contrary to what you might think, Blackboard isn’t just for your English 101 class. Vaal University of Technology (VUT) uses Blackboard Collaborate and other online tools to deliver online classes from Accounting to Zoology – and there are plenty more subjects coming soon! So if you haven’t yet gotten the most out of VUT’s Blackboard, read on! Here are some tips on getting the most out of VUT’s Blackboard, no matter what course you’re taking!

Table of Contents

How to get started on VUT Blackboard

Getting started on VUT Blackboard is easy. First, you’ll need to go to and click on Blackboard. Once there, you will be prompted to sign in using your username and password that was sent by email. The next step is simple: enter your name and surname, a valid email address, and a secure password for logging in. After entering all this information, you can use the search bar to find any course offered at the Vaal University of Technology. Simply type what you are looking for (e.g. undergraduate courses) and scroll through the results – if it looks like something you would like to take, simply click on it and start studying! You can also create bookmarks for your favorite courses. It’s as easy as clicking ‘Bookmark’ from the left side of the screen and choosing which one you want to bookmark.

In addition, every time you log into VUT Blackboard, make sure that we have an updated profile picture or photo – this way others will recognize who they’re talking to. Last but not least, remember to always follow our social media accounts so that you don’t miss any important announcements about VUT Blackboard. To do this, just follow us on Facebook and Twitter @VUTBlackboard and post using the hashtag #VUTBlackboard.


Tips for success in online learning

Online courses are a great way to learn new skills and explore subjects you might not have had access to before. Take advantage of VUT Blackboard’s features to get the most out of your online studies. Upload presentations, videos, documents, audio files, and more onto the discussion boards; use video chat to connect live with other students anywhere in the world; create study groups or connect with tutors for one-on-one help. Have fun while you learn by joining our active Facebook page where we post articles and information about events on campus.

To find our page type the Vaal University of Technology Facebook Page into the search bar on Facebook or visit We would love to see what topics interest you the most so please contact us at with any feedback, ideas, or suggestions for improvements – your input is valuable and helps shape our services. You can also follow us on Twitter @VUT_Blackboard or like our Facebook page: the Vaal University of Technology Facebook Page.


How to make the most of VUT Blackboard

  1. Set up your VUT Blackboard account: To make the most of VUT Blackboard, you need to set up your account. This will take some time, but it is important to set it up properly and to fill in all information accurately.
  2. Add a course: Once your account is set up, you can start adding courses. You will find this option under Course Management. When adding a new course, click on Add Course at the bottom of the page. Fill in the name of your course and select an appropriate category from the list. Then click on Save.
  3. Look for courses: You can search for courses by entering keywords into the Search box at the top left-hand side of any page or selecting filters from below this Search box if you know what type of content you’re looking for. For example, you might want to look for Computer Science or Hands-on Skills. Click on the title of a course that interests you to read more about it. If you have found a course that interests you and would like to register for it, click on Enroll Now.
  4. Change your password: Whenever something changes (for example, if someone knows your old password), we recommend that you change your password so that no one else can access your account without permission. There are many ways you can do this: 1) go to Settings > Security Settings and 2) update your password; 3) go to My Personal Information and 4) enter your current password; 5) use the forgot my password function; 6) send an email containing your username and 7) request a temporary password via email. We also suggest logging out when finished using VUT Blackboard so that others cannot access your account should they come across it while browsing.
  5. Stay connected: The Newsletter tab is where all of our announcements will be published, so be sure not to miss anything by subscribing! From there, you’ll receive updates from VUT Blackboard as well as notifications about changes to both the system and the content. You may also wish to join in on our monthly meetings which are held every first Wednesday of each month at 10 am. These meetings provide opportunities for staff members to talk about their work on VUT Blackboard with stakeholders who use it. All users of the system are welcome to attend these meetings, especially those who volunteer their time making videos for free high school education modules or translating material into other languages – as such contributions are invaluable and offer great insight into how we improve things here at the Vaal University of Technology!


Troubleshooting tips for VUT Blackboard

  • Ensure that you have a good internet connection and that your browser is up to date.
  • Try clearing your cache and cookies. If this doesn’t work, try closing all tabs and using a different browser. – If none of these options work, try restarting your device or refreshing the page on VUT Blackboard.
  • If you’re still experiencing difficulties after trying all these options, please get in touch with VUT Support at for help! – It may be necessary for you to log in again if it seems like there was an error saving your login details or if the system didn’t recognize that you are logged in. You can log back in by clicking ‘Login’. Alternatively, use the email address associated with your account and password to re-enter.
  • If you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our excellent customer service team who will be more than happy to help you out:           More hints for getting the most out of your VUT Blackboard experience:
    • Download materials onto your computer so you can review them offline when internet access isn’t available.
    • Use tools such as Anki flashcards, Quizlet flashcards, Memrise vocabulary courses, Moodle activities, and Tutor2u video tutorials to help with revision. These resources allow you to create digital study aids from what is already on Blackboard.




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